Tag: San Gabriel Valley

Science Fiction and Paranormal Fantasy with a Noir Twist

Destroying Los Angeles, Again and Again

I recently re-watched George Pal’s 1953 version of War of the Worlds with Gene Barry and was struck by the scenes toward the end as Barry’s character runs through the abandoned streets of Los Angeles, dodging angry mobs and Martian spacecraft. Not having seen the movie for several years, I was surprised at how compelling those…
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August 28, 2013 0

My Favorite Bookstores

Given the choice between a neat bookstore with all the shelves perfectly arranged and a disordered bookstore where the books are stacked 2 deep on the shelves, I’ll take the messy store any day. Of course, I’m talking about used bookstores here. Any new bookstore that’s a complete mess wouldn’t be worth my time. But…
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July 9, 2013 7