Tag: Gogol Bordello

Science Fiction and Paranormal Fantasy with a Noir Twist

A Blacktop Blues Playlist

When I write, I usually picture my books unfolding like films, and a good movie needs a good soundtrack. Since music figures pretty heavily into Jed Strait’s character and his adventures in The Blacktop Blues, I thought it would be great to offer you a soundtrack to go along with the book. If you want…
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February 3, 2021 0

A Somniscient Playlist

For anyone who likes a little background music with their reading, here are a few songs that will fit nicely with your experience of The Somniscient. The Beatles, “I’m So Tired.” There’s a lot of sleep deprivation in this story, and this song is a good way to start things off. The characters’ predicament isn’t…
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February 13, 2016 0