Tag: E.M. Forster

Science Fiction and Paranormal Fantasy with a Noir Twist

Science Fiction: The Cockroach of Literature

While capitalizing on a cute phrase he stumbled upon, Robert McCrum at The Guardian has come up with a list of literary genres. Since this is coming from a UK perspective, it’s not surprising that he would have a very different set of genres than an American critic would have. On this side of the…
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November 21, 2012 0

Prophetic Science Fiction from an Unlikely Source

When you think of E.M. Forster (if you think of him at all), you probably think about British novels that have inspired Oscar buzz-worthy films like Howard’s End, A Room with a View, and A Passage to India. All good, but the kind of thing most science fiction fans don’t jump to as their next…
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November 19, 2012 0