Category: Reviews

Science Fiction and Paranormal Fantasy with a Noir Twist

Finally, a Source for Indie Books That Don’t Suck

Is it too obvious to say there are a LOT of books to choose from these days? And it’s not just physical books but the thousands of ebooks that are out there as well. And every day there are new books being added to the ranks. No bookstore could hold them all, and the numbers…
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March 13, 2015 2

Mob City–A New Take on Old LA

I recently finished watching Frank Darabont’s Mob City miniseries on TNT and am pleased to say I enjoyed it quite a bit. I should add, of course, that I’m a sucker for pretty much any story set in 1930s or 40s Los Angeles, but just because a film or novel involves my favorite setting doesn’t…
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December 21, 2013 0