Category: Reading

Science Fiction and Paranormal Fantasy with a Noir Twist

Tarzan and the City of Gold: My Gateway Book

I must have been about eight years old. Our neighbor, a grandmotherly type whose children had all grown up, was cleaning out her garage and brought over a box of books, mostly Whitman Classics hardcovers. I could have them if I wanted them, she told me. I wasn’t a big reader at eight, but it…
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June 21, 2014 0

Neil Gaiman’s The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Review (Sort of)

Some critics and some unhappy fans have said that Neil Gaiman’s latest book is too short and too unremarkable, not worthy of rubbing covers with Neverwhere or American Gods; many latch onto the fact that this book started as a short story, and they shout “Aha! Gotcha, Gaiman! You should have kept it short. Clearly…
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August 21, 2013 3

The Appeal of Virtual Worlds

Okay, just to get this out of the way first, let me say that I’m not one of those writers who feels the need to respond to every poor or weak review of his work. People can say they don’t like my stuff, and I don’t feel like I have to defend it publicly. However,…
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July 16, 2013 4

My Favorite Bookstores

Given the choice between a neat bookstore with all the shelves perfectly arranged and a disordered bookstore where the books are stacked 2 deep on the shelves, I’ll take the messy store any day. Of course, I’m talking about used bookstores here. Any new bookstore that’s a complete mess wouldn’t be worth my time. But…
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July 9, 2013 7

Bargain Book Day! Strictly Analog at 99 cents!

Looking for a good read? I’ve reduced the price of my dystopian science fiction novel, Strictly Analog, from $4.99 to just 99 cents for Monday and Tuesday June 10th and 11th. If you’re a fan of William Gibson, Jonathan Letham, or Richard K. Morgan, or if you like a bit of hard-boiled mystery blended in…
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June 10, 2013 0

Word of Mouth–The Elusive Key to Success

Several years ago, I was lurking in the shelves of a used bookstore looking at the science fiction section–all the way at the back of the store. It was one of those stores that functioned largely as a paperback exchange: if you brought in 3 books, they’d give you credit for one of theirs. It…
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April 23, 2013 4

A Soundtrack for Strictly Analog

I’ve put together a playlist for my novel Strictly Analog–songs that would either fit the mood of some of the scenes or that go along with the story. I’ve linked the tracks to other cites where you can listen (mostly YouTube). Think of it as the soundtrack for the book: 1. Charles Mingus. “II B.S./Haitian…
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February 27, 2013 1

Take Back Tomorrow Free Science Fiction

Take Back Tomorrow is available as a free Kindle download today at Eddie Royce thinks he’s got things all figured out. He’s managed to cheat the system and gotten himself published in the sci fi pulps by “borrowing” plots from Shakespeare. He doesn’t mind being a cheat and a plagiarist as long as no…
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February 7, 2013 0

Sub-Plots (not the kind with periscopes, though)

Last post, I talked a bit about character motivation. Think of this as Part 2, but with a twist. To recap, briefly, if we’re looking at a major character, readers need to know what motivates that character, what gets him or her going, what causes the character to risk life and limb or to dig…
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January 14, 2013 0

Write Right Wright–The Need for Editing

As another round of student papers (the final set for this year) gets ready to come at me, I’m gearing up for looking at more careless mistakes: seemingly random uses of their, there, and they’re; sloppy pronoun references; uses of “now and days” or “now in days” instead of nowadays. Then there are the students…
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December 10, 2012 4